Friday, October 06, 2006

Friday Afternoon

Inspired by a Brit. Something about "Three Beautiful Things". Every single day, she writes about three things that gave her pleasure.

I'm unoriginal, so I decided to count silver linings.

1. It's hot out. I think it's okay because it's beautiful outside. The ocean is blue and the tradewind is starting to blow. I can see Diamond Head from where I sit to do my homework. Gotta love it.

2. My boys - the husband and son are arguing. They at least talk to each other. I know they love each other a lot. The son is fifteen ( more week) and he's as normal as they come: attitude, zits and all.

3. Television. Makes us all zombies. Sometimes it's funny to watch cartoons. Timmy, Wanda and Cosmo are so much fun. I also love Dexter from "Dexter's Lab." It's not all bad, so long as we know how to balance it all.


Blogger Bella. said...

it's always good to think positive... i'm not too sure but i think i learned that in high school.

3 things that made me happy today:
-a good friend. (they always come in handy ^_^)
-my mom, she actually came to pick my stranded butt up. lol.
-the weather right now, at this time. it's 4:31 in the afternoon. the breeze and the coolness with the sun still shining. couldn't ask for a more beautiful day. lol.

soo anyway, u gave me a great idea just now. i bought a very cute notebook the other day with the intention of using it as a journal. my laziness doesn't let me do that though! i never know what to write about... but now i do :). i'll start with three things that put a smile on my face. if nothing did, i'll look for 3 silver linings ^_^.

alright mrs.mastin, sorry for the capitalization, or lack of, hehe. i hope you're taking care and taking it easy with the crrrazy earthquake experience and all.

till next time,

7:50 PM  

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