Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Las Vegas Winnings

I suppose I learned a few lessons while we were in Vegas this time around.

1.  Don't get greedy. When I was ahead by $100 on the "Wheel of Fortune" slot machine, I should have stopped. Really. Really. Because it would have been me saying to the universe, "Thanks, ah, for the extra funds," and left it at that.

2.  I can't live in a place where there's no real place to get away from the city or the suburbs. I need a bit of green plants that nature provides - Las Vegas isn't the place.

3.  Don't leave text messages on someone's home phone because home phones don't do that, just cell phones.

4.  Don't bring work to vacation. Just vacation.

5.  My ultimate vacation has nothing to do with shopping, sight-seeing, and gambling. It's just being with my family - relaxing - with no real agenda except to be together.


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